7th Hole

The 7th hole offers a spectacular view of the entire golf course from its elevated tee decks.  There is a generous landing area in the fairway from all tees which allows your tee shot to keep rolling down the fairway.  The conservative play on your second shot is to lay-up to the right of the large pond.  For the longer hitters the green is accessible with two quality shots.  The green is easily reached with three shots which will allow you a look at birdie.  With a multitude of undulations, the seventh green is not an easy one to putt on.  Your best chance to make a putt is by staying below the hole.  Even approaches that are pin high will leave you putts that could have severe breaks.

7th hole rendering
  • Black:  513
  • Gold:  488
  • Pewter:  463
  • Ivory: 367

Men:  5

Women:  9